PLANET ZEB! Internet Radio

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Save Internet Radio!!!

Hi y'all! Well, the Google-Blogger crossover is STILL giving me problems, but I wanted to pop in this morning, at least, to let you know that I'm NOT a phantom. :)

In fact, GOOD NEWS regarding the Copyright Royalty Board's recent decision that completely defied legislative intent and showed how representing deep-pocketed corporate interests as a lawyer can bias your decisionmaking as an Administrative Law Judge.... with the CRB judges hell-bent on destroying internet radio, the only entity that could stop them was, as of late April, the Congress itself. AND CONGRESS HAS STARTED TO ACT!!!

But YOU MUST GET INVOLVED RIGHT THIS SECOND-- and this is NOT hyperbole, puffing or anything else... I'm DEAD SERIOUS... RIGHT NOW-- if you want to help save internet radio and keep stations like PLANET ZEB! on the air. The bill that has just been introduced in the House is HR 2060, the Internet Radio Equality Act, sponsored in a bipartisan manner by Reps. Inslee (D-WA), Nethercutt (R-WA) and Rick Boucher (D-VA).

YA GOTTA CALL-- don't email, don't write (there's no time for that now)-- CALL-- CALL your US House member's local or Washington office TOOOO-DAY.... NOW... NOW!!!!... and DEMAND that they support HR 2060. Get all of your internet-radio-loving friends, family and co-workers to do it too. This is one of those rare chances for the American public to take back its government from deep-pocketed corporations who have been buying the laws that favor them-- but ya have to call NOW! And then get ready for the fight in the Senate, where millions of radio-loving Americans are ready to gather together to fight this fight AGAIN!

We don't want or need to broadcast FREE.... responsible internet radio broadcasters are willing to pay reasonable royalties to keep entertaining you (I've been paying out of my own pocket all of these years with no complaints whatsoever, as long as those occasional "thank you, love your station" emails kept coming!).... but the CRB's latest decision would ABSOLUTELY KILL this fledgling business and turn it back over to the RIAA (you know, the organization that sues dead people, 3-year-olds and people's cats).... to dole out to the oligopoly of their rich and powerful friends, as they saw fit.

More later-- keep the faith.... and again, CALL YOUR CONGRESSPERSON NOW and DEMAND that they support HR 2060, the INTERNET RADIO EQUALITY ACT!!!!!


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