PLANET ZEB! Internet Radio

The blogspot for the award-winning PLANET ZEB! Internet Radio, playing a better variety of 80s/90s-based rock and pop on and more. Come on in and read up on what's going on and chat with other Zebbites!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Yes, things are a little crazy right now... :)

Hi y'all.... I'll make this first post (in quite a while) brief but as informative as I can; as many of you know, Apex NC is the home of PLANET ZEB! Internet Radio. It's also the home, unfortunately, of a large Hazmat evacuation zone at the moment! The station is physically located within that zone, about 2.5 to 3 miles from the plant that exploded around 10 pm last night. We're all OK at the moment, though, and despite the fact that we received our own automated "get the hell out now or face possible death" scare message from the State of North Carolina this morning, we're staying put for a number of reasons (not the least of which is that, as some of you ALSO know, our airstaff at the station is comprised largely of very greedy felines who wouldn't understand why I wasn't around to feed them upon demand). Mobility right now is literally a one-way street-- they'll let you out, but NOT (as of yet) back IN. Fortunately, we're stocked up on supplies and still have power and cable and all that good junk, so it's just a matter of keeping the windows closed and locked and the air conditioning MOSTLY off. As of about 11 this morning, though, it got stuffy in here and I had to turn the damned thing on, chlorine or not, to cool the main broadcast computers down!!!

A lot of folks have been sending me their concerns, condolences and just general "hang in there" messages, and I appreciate it more than I can adequately express with mere words. The power of radio as a global community-builder has been driven home to me more during this last 12 hour period, with all of the kind emails I've received, than at any time over a 20-year broadcast radio career. So thanks, hang tight with me, and I promise I'll post additional news and information this afternoon, evening and for however long this thing lasts from "inside the red zone." As noted above, I have nothing better to do since the entire PLANET ZEB! crew is under a figurative form of house arrest at the moment (chuckle).

Come back often for the latest news and photos... and, knowing as you do that I have to end on a promotional note, keep rockin' along with me by listening to PLANET ZEB! to make a bad situation seem better (Van Halen and Robert Palmer at earsplitting levels is a wonderful cure to drown out the sound of sirens and lethal chemical explosions in our little overgrown, developer-driven suburban hell-hole enclave, you know!!!) :)




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