PLANET ZEB! Internet Radio

The blogspot for the award-winning PLANET ZEB! Internet Radio, playing a better variety of 80s/90s-based rock and pop on and more. Come on in and read up on what's going on and chat with other Zebbites!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

So Many Questions, So Little Time....

Wow, the ole email box has been BURNING with questions and comments lately about PLANET ZEB!, etc., and it's gratifying to hear even after all this time that a fair number of you out there in internet-radio-land are NEW listeners, joining our family of rock-and-pop aficianados from around the world. So I decided to turn the latest blog entry into Q 'n' A time to try to provide answers to questions that have been coming in... that I also thought would be of general interest. So here ya go!

Zebby: Paula Abdul followed by The Clash followed by Genesis... and five minutes later an 8-minute-long Zep track backed with a country-ish crossover from Kentucky Headhunters? I liked it... but isn't that insane?!

Answer: probably, yes, but I prefer to characterize it as "somewhat eclectic within the parameters of enjoying good music from our 80s-ish target time frame," which is what PZ has always been about. And besides, you DID use the words "I liked it," did you not? Your honor, the defense rests and demands a bench verdict. Or at least we pray for jury nullification. :)

Lots of cool old KISS on your station- where'd you get it?!

Answer: pretty much the same place everyone should get it-- I bought the CDs. It's not like KISS is some bizarre goat-herding music band from back Madagascar (laugh); their whole catalog is pretty much available. And I've been CD collecting for a loooong, loooong time (my very first ones were bought back when they were still something stupid like 25 bucks each and only found in the back corner of most music stores, past the LPs!). And I like cool old KISS. And pretty much the rest of KISS, for that matter (Gene, Ace... Paul.... Peter.... if you stumbled across this blog, how about a liner for the station?!). Funny (and quick) thing about discovering them-- they were pretty much all the rage at Southeast Jr. High School in Baton Rouge back in the late 70s when I was there (I think either Destroyer or Love Gun was the "new" album I remember most from 8th-grade homeroom). At that time, I didn't much see the point and didn't really listen to a lot of their stuff. Then, I had an orchestra teacher the next year at Baton Rouge High School who was also part of a fundamentalist "Born Again" denomination. That's fine... that's cool... everyone does what finds them the most inner peace. MY problem with her, though, was that I remember distinctly one class period she didn't have us playing and practicing, but rather assembled us all around and handed out a flyer that said "KISS- Kings In Satan's Service" at the top of it. It was followed by some very inflammatory (no pun intended) anti-KISS propaganda in the weeks before they were scheduled to play the Baton Rouge Centroplex (now the "River Center") on the 1979 Dynasty tour. Well, even at that tender age, I was aware of the significance of the church-state separation thing, PLUS I was kinda pissed that we weren't practicing as a student orchestra SHOULD be. So just to piss HER off, I went out and bought my first KISS album (Alive II) and a t-shirt later that week. My friend Tommy and I bought tickets to the Dynasty show and enjoyed the daylights out of it-- what a gig. I was forevermore thereafter hooked on KISS, and did a lot of "catching up" on their earlier catalogs in the wake of the concert. And I used to play the hell out of them on my personal cassette decks as well as program their better stuff in every rock/pop radio gig I ever had. Many thanks to my fundamentalist orchestra teacher for turning me on to KISS.... I will go to my grave thankful for the opportunity to groove on them. And for a reason to watch "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels," which is endlessly more entertaining than "The Osbournes" was after its first season. Well, except for the bits of GSFJ that I'm pretty sure are shamelessly staged, that is. :)

That love of KISS also turned into an appreciation for the Ibanez Iceman guitar, by the way, since they were giving Paul those mirrored jobbies to use in concert. I loved the sound of 'em. Went on to play a beautiful purple Ibanez bass m'self in a couple of bands before I kinda sobered up and realized that the thunder of the Fender P-bass and the gorgeous trebly rumble of the Rickenbacker 4003 were more my speed after all. But my Iby was sweet, I gotta admit-- strong bass for the price. I still have her, and long ago named her for a radio salesperson I stupidly had a crush on in my last Baton Rouge radio gig. :)

Gene, Paul, Ace, Peter... if you ARE reading this, I'd also love a turquoise or midnight blue Ric 4003 bass. No harm in asking. And I love you guys. :)

Do you have employment applications on your website?

Answer: ohhhh, amigo. If it would do any good, I'd have 'em for places like Trader Joe's or something, but in all honesty, we're definitely a one-man-and-multiple-cat operation around here. PLANET ZEB! is a limited partnership with no employees, so to speak. I do all of the manual work with the playlist changeouts and stuff, and my cats program, find new music, sit on the keyboard while I'm scheduling the rotations, etc. And since the cats are rescues from local animal shelters, that's pretty much the only place I look for new partners or "employees." Until the day Clear Channel wants to buy me out for a gazillion dollars. Or Gene, Paul, Ace and/or Peter, for that matter. You could throw in the Ric as lagniappe.

Where are you from originally?

Answer: proudly, he says, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. And he may return there one day once the statute of limitations on ALL of the warrants has expired. :)

PLANET ZEB! started in Charleston, SC in April, 2000. Charleston's very cool, and it reminded me a lot of Baton Rouge during my youth when I was there in the late 90s. You have no idea how heartbroken I was to have to leave Charleston. Or Baton Rouge, for that matter! But according to "The Secret," that nouveau-faux-pop-new age Oprah-show-fodder thing, all I apparently have to do is stand on my front lawn in my underwear at midnight on a full moon and WISH to be back in Baton Rouge or Charleston. Dunno if I have to click red slippers together or something to make it work, since I didn't waste my money on the book OR the movie.

Hey, all you starving kids in Appalachia and Darfur and such-- don't you know all you have to do is DREAM you're Donald Trump? Then you become him. And hopefully soon thereafter, you and Rosie O'Donnell kill each other in a massively bloody knife fight and leave society the hell alone.

Does PLANET ZEB! make a lot of money?

Answer: ha. ha ha. hahaha. hahaha. HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, wait, let me put it this way:

yes, PLANET ZEB! makes a lot of money. For somebody, probably Live365 and, via royalties, the record labels. Sure as hell not for me; that nice sliver of expendable income that COULD go to a new car or fixing the heat exchanger on my HVAC unit or something is thrown into station ops month after month. And while occasionally, really cool and nice people leave small donations via the PayPal links on the PZ homepage, I still cough up the personal dough in droves. This is a labor of love. And I hope you continue to love it as much as I do. :)

The alternative, of course, is that independent internet radio shuts down, and the public is left with the same thing they have on contemporary broadcast radio-- corporate-owned "drone drivel" from market to market that can only play what the RIAA's member-major-labels WANT them to play in order to sell music and push yet another hip-hop-boy-band on an unsuspecting and fearful populace.

'Til next time!


Friday, July 20, 2007

Well OK, now that I'm here....

A quick comment after being asked my opinion in a recent music forum, since I logged in to check messages, there were none, and I didn't want to waste the login without at least posting something (chuckle)....

Single most influential and/or important album in all of recorded rock and roll history:

Never Mind the Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols, Sex Pistols (October, 1977: US release on Warner Brothers Records)

Discuss. :)

Monday, July 16, 2007


Well, this is the danger of occasionally lapsing into one of those periods when I think about all the great people I knew and all the fun I had in commercial broadcast radio back in the eighties... I start to miss it all. Strangely enough, at the moment, what I seem to miss the most (although they're actually still around these parts packed in a box in the attic or something) is... well... don't laugh... my HEADPHONES.

They weren't just ANY headphones... from the time I found them at WLCS in Baton Rouge in the Summer of 1984 right up through MOST of my work at KAJUN 103 FM in the early 1990s, I faithfully and lovingly used the same bloody set of cans.... a big, beautiful blue pair of Stanton Dynaphase Sixty headphones... that were TRULY to die for.

Largely, the "dying for" part consisted of the fact that they felt like they weighed a few metric tons on your head (laugh again). But the Dynaphase Sixties were beautiful-- basically, small home speakers with separate high/low frequency cones that were strapped together over the top of your head with a reenforced metal strap that felt like it could hold a strafed battleship afloat. Now those were the days when someone knew how to make headphones for the professional radio market. Often, I discovered at WLCS (where the jock had his/her back to the entry door to the studio) that people were afraid to try to sneak in behind me when I wore them because if I was startled and flung my head too quickly around, the Stantons-- always my friends and protectors, as they drove thousands of decibels of beautiful, pristine, crystal-clear sound into my music-addled brain-- would FLY off my ears and attack them with the ferocity and damage that only a good 20-pound-or-so pair of headphones or a pit bull could accomplish.

I just finished visiting the Stanton website for old times' sake, and they, like every other headphone company in the world, have decided that lighter is better. And I suppose these days, you really can get a better speaker in a lighter 'phone that most really wimpy-weenie girlie man DJs appreciate. But as for me... well... I am decidedly old-school on this point, friend. Put me in front of a board that has round pots as opposed to sliders and analog vU meters instead of the digital kind. Give me carts... or at the most, CDs... so that I can HOLD the music and the spots I'm playing instead of telling a very impersonal computer what digital file I wish to play next.

Then, watch as I put the Dynaphase Sixties on my head, feeling as if I have just been crowned King of England and Defender of the Faith because of the friggin' weight of the damned things. And it doesn't matter HOW loudly I turn them up to make my ears bleed, because their ear insulation WILL NOT feed back over the mic. Guaranteed. And then give me a few tracks from Billy Idol, Dio, Scorpions or one of the other staples of my foolish and decadent DJ days... and stand back. I'll take it from there. :)

"Give me a wheel of oaken wood... a rein of polished leather.... a heavy horse and a tumbling sky.... brewing heavy weather."

(bonus points if you can identify the lyric) :)

'Til next time!


Monday, July 09, 2007

OK, quick check-in time....

Just a quick message, as July 15th looms ever-closer and with it the potential drastic alteration and/or death of internet radio propogated by, SoundExchange and its poodles on the Copyright Royalty Board, long since bought and paid for. We're just kind of sitting by, watching the clouds, waiting to see what happens now... and for those of you who got active and contacted your elected member(s) of Congress about the Internet Radio Equality Act, THANK YOU! I'm going to be voting a very, very interesting split-party ticket THIS election season, using candidate support (or lack thereof) of IREA as my primary voting cue. :)

OK, so here's the NON-IREA message I have for you today: OHMIGOD! Like, if you DON'T have good multimedia speakers and/or a dedicated sound card in your computer to listen to PLANET ZEB!... .you have no friggin' idea what you're missing! After my old set of Sonigistix 2.1 speakers bought the proverbial farm some few months ago, I went without a particularly neat set of speakers for that period of time, gradually getting used to the different sound coming out of my computer and thinking, "ah, well at least it's listenable."

So LAST week, Zeb treated himself.... a new set of Logitech Z-2300 2.1 multimedia speakers (read the online reviews of them-- they're everything every review glows about and MORE!) and a SoundBlaster X-Fi Fatal1ty Xtreme Gamer Sound Card, set to "Entertainment Mode" (since I don't really play computer games... it maximizes the processor for music audio sources). WOW! No, no, no one paid me for this announcement... and I'm not even saying you have to get the same products *I* did. But if you're looking for really super-wonderful sound quality in your internet radio experience (for the few days that it may be left on the internet!), GET A DEDICATED SOUND CARD and for pity's sake, DON'T CHINTZ YOURSELF on a cheap pair of computer speakers (or overpay for the "fancy brand label" of certain to-remain-unnamed "snob factor" systems). You'll love the difference in sound quality, and perhaps, as did I, fall in love with your favorite 'netradio outlet all over again. :)
