PLANET ZEB! Internet Radio

The blogspot for the award-winning PLANET ZEB! Internet Radio, playing a better variety of 80s/90s-based rock and pop on and more. Come on in and read up on what's going on and chat with other Zebbites!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Not much to say this morning except HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006, and thanks for making 2005 such an amazing year for PLANET ZEB! The station is dedicated to continuing to be the best non-profit, more-music, better-variety, everything-good-about-precorporate conglomerate-radio internet radio station it can be for you in the coming year... and your continued patronage, support, word-of-mouth advertising, etc. is very much appreciated. :)

Oh yeah-- new Geo Statistics and Top Ten Tracks lists, the last of 2005 in fact, have also been posted. Enjoy the holiday, and let me know what's on your mind via return email!
